Oct 18, 2019 | APesheau | 4223 views
Picture Day!
Caledon Coyotes Picture Day - Tuesday November 26, 2019 **UPDATED**
Team photo day will be on Tuesday November 26th and will take place in Hall A/B at the Caledon Community Complex in the building attached to the Caledon East arena.
Please see schedule below.
Time (pm) Team
5:30 Atom A- Rep
5:45 Novice Burgundy
6:00 Novice Black
6:15 Fundamentals
6:30 Peewee B Rep
6:45 Atom Burgundy
7:00 Atom Black
7:15 Peewee HL Burgundy
7:30 Bantam HL Black
7:45 Midget B Rep
8:00 Bantam HL Burgundy
8:15 Bantam B Rep
8:30 Midget HL Burgundy
8:45 Midget A Rep
Please be at Hall A/B dressed and ready to go 10 minutes prior to your scheduled time.
We recommend players arrive fully dressed (equipment, jersey and socks) with the exception of skates. Chairs and runners will be set up in Hall A/B so they can put their skates on there. Skate guards must be worn and only taken off when requested by the photographer for the picture. A dressing room may be available if they want to change at the arena, but this won’t be confirmed until the Monday before. Skates are not permitted to be worn between the arena and Hall A/B.
You will receive a photo order form from your team manager. All players will receive one team photo and one individual player photo. Any additional photos must be paid for on picture day.
*All players must bring a completed form on picture day, even if you are not ordering any additional pictures*. If paying by cash exact change is required.
Each team is allotted 15 min for all pictures, so it is imperative that teams be ready on time and follow the photographer’s instructions so we don’t get delayed. No need to bring your helmet – just your stick and your smile!