Concussion safety legislation 2018

On March 7, 2018, Ontario passed Rowan's Law (Concussion Safety), 2018 and related amendments to the Education Act.
Ontario was the first jurisdiction in Canada to pass concussion safety legislation, setting a precedent for sport legislation across the country.
Rowan’s Law and Rowan’s Law Day were established to honour her memory and bring awareness to concussions and concussion safety.
Rowan’s Law makes Ontario a national leader in concussion management and prevention by establishing mandatory requirements that call for:
- Annual review of concussion awareness resources that help prevent, identify and manage concussions, which athletes, coaches, educators and parents would be required to review before registering in a sport
- Removal-from-sport and return-to-sport protocols, to ensure that an athlete is immediately removed from sport if they are suspected of having sustained a concussion and giving them the time required to heal properly
- A concussion code of conduct that would set out rules of behaviour to minimize concussions while playing sport.
Ontario Womens Hockey Association (OWHA) implementation
The OWHA is full support of the intent of Rowan’s Law to create awareness of concussion, change the culture on concussion and provide safe sport participation.
The OWHA, its members, participants and others, as referenced in the Act, and as a condition of membership/participation within the OWHA, are bound by the requirements of the Act and of the OWHA.
Caledon Coyotes requirements for players and team officials
In order to register and participate in the hockey program every member of the Caledon Female Hockey Association must review the OWHA Concussion Awareness Resource and return a signed copy of the Ontario Women’s Hockey Association Rowan’s Law Acknowledgement Form to their team manager. Please click link below.
Teams not completing acknowledgement forms for all players may not have game and/or rosters approved for play.