Welcome to the 2020/21 season, News (Caledon Female Hockey Association)

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Sep 07, 2020 | apesheau | 1092 views
Welcome to the 2020/21 season
We would like to thank you for your patience during this extraordinary time.  The Caledon Female Hockey Association (CFHA) continues to adapt to the updates, information and guidelines of Hockey Canada, the Ontario Women’s Hockey Association (OWHA), the Town of Caledon, the Provincial Government and our Public Health Unit (PHU).  

Our upcoming season will be moving forward; however, it will not be a traditional hockey season.  We will commence skating the week of September 14 and will begin with a minimum of 2 weeks of skill development. Dependent on registration numbers, House League players will have balancing sessions towards the end of September and will be placed on teams.  Once we are given the approval from the OWHA we will move forward to a modified game play situation, playing 3 on 3 or 4 on 4, depending on the age level.  We will eventually be able to join with our local organizations, meaning there may be some travel. We are hoping modified game play will commence after Thanksgiving but, again, we will need approval from OWHA before this can happen. 

There will be no try-outs for our Representative teams at the moment.  If OWHA approves try-outs in the future, we will reassess at that time.  Interested players will be contacted by a Rep coach to see if they are interested in skating with that team.  House League girls that were interested in trying out for a Rep team this season will check the appropriate box on the registration page stating they would like to be considered for a Rep team this season.  If there is room on a Rep team, the coach may reach out to you.  If you are a player from outside of the CFHA and are interested in being considered for a Rep team please contact the Rep coach. There are no Permission to Skate forms being issued.  You cannot skate with a Caledon Rep team unless you have registered with the CFHA and we have received your Release from your previous organization.  A request for a release is automatically requested when you register.  Our Representative teams will commence with a minimum of 2 weeks of skills development. Rep coaches will be reaching out to other centres to create an Extended Group for their teams to play modified games against and therefore, there may be some travel.  There are no plans for a Lower Lakes League, playoffs, playdowns, tournaments or Provincials at this time.

Registration for the 2020/21 season is now open on our website.  You will find the link for RAMP on our registration page.  Players can only register with 1 organization this year.  Players are not allowed to play on both a girls and a boys team this year.  You will find all fees and our refund policy on the Registration General Information page.  A player will not be permitted to skate until fees have been paid.  


With the exception of Fundamentals and Midget house league, it is our goal to have every team on the ice twice per week. One hour during the week after school and another hour on the weekend that can be used for practice or gameplay when permitted.  The anticipated schedule is as follows; however, this will depend on ice availability and is subject to change:  

FUNdamentals – Sunday morning

U9/U8/U7 (Novice) HL – Wednesday/Sunday

U11 (Atom) HL – Thursday/Sunday

U13 (Peewee) HL – Wednesday/Sunday

U15 (Bantam) HL – Tuesday/Sunday

U18 (Midget) HL - Monday

In addition to the regular ice times, we are working to have some development programs in place for some additional instruction.  Once scheduled, they will be posted on our website for registration.  It is our hope to have instruction for both players and goalies. 

The CFHA will have a COVID-19 Response Protocol in place on their website under the “Covid” tab in the event that someone is not feeling well or has tested positive for Covid.  We will also have protocols in place to screen and track participants coming to the rink.  These will be shared with our members prior to the first ice times.  

All updates and information will be shared with our members on our website www.caledoncoyotes.ca, through our Coyotes email distribution list, Facebook and Instagram pages.  If you would like to receive emails please ensure you include your email address when you register.  Once you are signed up, please check your junk mail folders for our emails.  All Return to Play documents from the OWHA, CFHA and the Town of Caledon will be available on our website under the Covid tab.  We encourage you to read them as there are many guidelines to be followed.  

Thank you once again for your continued support, patience and understanding.  Although it will look a little different this year, we know that getting the girls on the ice is important and we will strive to put forth a fun, safe and competitive program for all players.  

Caledon Female Hockey Association Organizing Committee