The Donna de Boer Memorial Scholarship, News (Caledon Female Hockey Association)

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Feb 24, 2020 | APesheau | 905 views
The Donna de Boer Memorial Scholarship
This scholarship has been established in memory of Donna de Boer who passed away on November 5, 2011.

Donna loved to play the game of hockey, but she also represented all the characteristics of a strong team player, and leadership through: sportsmanship, respect, caring, hard work, inclusion and cooperation. Donna also enjoyed being involved in the community through volunteering with various organizations.

The Donna de Boer Memorial Scholarship has been established with the support of the Caledon Women’s Hockey League and the Caledon Female Hockey League. Caledon area female hockey players are invited to apply for scholarship consideration. A selection committee of local representatives has been established to consider all applications received. The scholarship is in the amount of $1000.00 and will be awarded at the conclusion Caledon Coyotes hockey year.

The deadline for consideration of the annual Donna de Boer Memorial Scholarship is March 31, 2020 All applications and supporting documents must be received by 5 pm. The application and supporting documents should be emailed to the [email protected] as a pdf file

The criteria for this scholarship selection include:

1. Currently being a member of the Caledon Girls Hockey League.

2. Having demonstrated that they are a team player and a team leader.

3. Demonstrating sportsmanship, respect for others, hard work, inclusiveness and a cooperative approach to team work.

4. Entering post-secondary education in the next school year.

5. Providing a letter of support from their current hockey team coach.

6. Providing letters of support from any additional sources other than immediate family members.

7. Providing a letter written by the applicant on how they meet the criteria of the award

Questions in regard to this scholarship and/or the criteria can be directed to: Nick de Boer at: [email protected] or 416-795-1370