Caledon Coyotes Update, News (Caledon Female Hockey Association)

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Jul 17, 2020 | apesheau | 1315 views
Caledon Coyotes Update
We hope that all of our Caledon Coyote families are staying safe during these unprecedented times.  We want you to know that while we dearly miss our hockey family, the health and safety of our extended hockey community remains our priority.  A group of volunteers remains committed to the future of the Caledon Female Hockey Association and is working behind the scenes to provide a quality hockey experience as soon as we are permitted to do so. 

During the COVID-19 pandemic, we have been taking our directive from Hockey Canada, the Ontario Women's Hockey Association and the Town of Caledon.  A return to hockey framework has been posted on our website and the latest information can be found here:


As per the return to hockey framework, we are not able to open registration for the 2020/21 at this time.  Further, we are not able to determine a schedule or timeline for Rep Tryouts or for House league play.  We will remain in constant contact with Hockey Canada and the OWHA and provide updates as soon as we are able.  


We appreciate your patience and are looking forward to seeing you all at the rink again soon.  


Please complete our 2 minute survey, to help us serve you better.


Yours in hockey, 


The CFHA Operations Committee