Update on Season, News (Caledon Female Hockey Association)

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Jan 02, 2022 | Sarah Stewart | 716 views
Update on Season
Hello Coyote Families,

In light of the recent updates from authorities, it has been decided to proceed with the season as scheduled on January 3rd, with caution.  All ice times are on our website.  

The most recent update from the OWHA can be found here:


At this time, we do not have a house league schedule for the 2nd half of the season. As a result, it has been determined that all house league games slots will proceed as additional practices. Please refer to the website for the complete schedule details and further updates. Notice will be provided when a game schedule has been finalized with the other organizations.

If you are not comfortable attending an ice time, or are unable to attend based upon public health requirements, please provide your coach with as much notice as possible so they can make a determination on numbers for ice time and whether to proceed.

The most up to date Peel Region public health information with respect symptoms and exposure can be found


Kindly review the attached updated Town of Caledon policies and ensure that they are followed.


We know that this season has been different, and it will continue to be a fluid process, however, we appreciate your patience as we work to keeping the girls playing the sport we all love in a safe environment.

Yours in hockey,
The CFHA Executive